Sacred Heart Crystal
Sacred Heart Crystal is a combination crystal of Agnitite, Golden healer and Mary Magdalene Quartz. This Master crystal gives acces to the flame of Divine Love in the centre of our heart and higher heart. This Stone awakens the light in your heart . It increases the power of Love, Self- love and the love for others. The stone gives passion and courage for the expression of unconditional love. This crystal is connected with the gentle and loving energy of the Divine Feminine of Isis, Mary and Quan Yin. They have a cleansing and healing effect on the soul and the lightbodies. They help you release old patterns that no longer serves you and connect you with your highest being. This crystal radiates into your cells en learns you thåt love is the key to heal your soul and body. It helps us remember that we our divine creators in a fysical body and helps us to create the New Earth.
10x8 cm
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